A Warm Summer Day
Nothing is better to me than a warm summer day. I love waking up to the summer sunlight beating on my window panes. I love the lazy, hazy days of summer. Everything seems a little slower paced and people in general seemed happier when the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the scent of fresh blossoming flowers are in the air. People come out of their winter hibernations to take a dip in the pool or frolic in the ocean. Layers are less, tops of cars come down, summer songs are sung, ice cream is abundant and we all feel a bit lighter, some say they notice a bounce in their step. Summer is fleeting, but as I said, nothing is better to me than a warm summer day.
1. Blossoming: (verb) To produce flowers
2. Fleeting: (adjective) Brief, short
3. Frolic: (verb) To play or move about cheerfully.
4. Hibernation: (verb) Passing the winter in a sleeping or inactive condition
5. Panes: (noun) A single sheet of glass in a window or door.
Vocabulary Exercise:
Cloze exercise: Fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word.
1. I was so happy when I saw my brother, but the moment was ___________________.
2. The flowers that I planted last Spring were _______________________________ , and it made the front yard look so beautiful.
3. We could not wait to get our winter clothes on, so we could __________________ in the freshly fallen snow.
4. The _______________________ of the windows in the old church were absolutely spectacular to look at.
5. To save energy bears go into a state of ______________________ over the winter.
Grammar Point:
An idiom is a group of word combinations that when used have a different meaning than the literal meaning of each word. An expression that cannot be understood from the meaning of it's separate words but that have a separate meaning of its own.
Idiomatic expressions are type of informal English that have a meaning different from the meaning of the words in the expression.
Grammar Exercise: Idioms and phrases exercise
Each sentence given below contain an idiom/phrase. From the choices below, choose the one that best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.
1."A penny for your thoughts"
a) A chatterbox
b) Something that is expensive.
c) A way of asking what someone is thinking.
d) A way of asking how someone feels?
2."Back to the drawing board"
a) TO color something
b) A hidden or secret stregnth
c) When an attempt fails and it's time to start over.
d) To pay careful attention to something specific.
3. "At the drop of a hat"
a) To pick something up.
b) A place of origin.
c) Meaning without hesitation,instantly.
d) To hold something sacred in your heart.
4. "Beat around the bush"
a) Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue.
b) Landscaping your yard.
c) Having a fight with your friend.
d) Sweeping the leaves that have fallen around the bushes in your yard.
d) Planting seeds to grow the next season.
5. "An arm and a leg"
a) A large amount of money.
b) A humans body parts.
c) Parts of the body that bend and are flexible.
d) Working very hard to accomplish a goal.
6. ""A dime a dozen"
a) Things that happen twelve times a day.
b) Eggs
C) TO spend a lot of money.
d) Anything that is common, inexpensive, and easy to get or available anywhere.
I really like this entry because it's not your typical"grammar' style exercises. You chose to highlight phrases in English that ELLs would not really understand unless they knew what an idiom was. Great job!
ReplyDeleteYour imagery and use of adjectives really make me wish it was summer! I can picture it now.
ReplyDeleteI thought you did a great job introducing idioms. I think this can be something challenging to teach ELLs because it entails a more thorough knowledge of word usage. Introducing a topic like this is a wonderful way to get ELLs a little more integrated into the American culture.
Nice entry on summer! I really like the idiom exercise.